Casey Caston, Meygan Caston

365 Connecting Questions for Couples (Revised and Updated)

With 200 new questions. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 0593736397
EAN 9780593736395
Veröffentlicht 3. Dezember 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Convergent Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Revised and refreshed with more than 200 new daily prompts and a new introduction, 365 Connecting Questions for Couples invites you on a yearlong journey of fostering intimacy and having fun with your partner.
All couples want to connect on a deeper level, but most don't know where to start. Studies show that the number one way to build emotional intimacy is by asking open-ended questions, but in a long-term relationship, it's easy to fall into communication ruts: talking only about schedules, meals, kids, finances, and the like.
365 Connecting Questions for Couples (Revised and Updated) provides an entire year of open-ended questions for you and your significant other to initiate fun, meaningful conversations and discover profound levels of emotional intimacy with each other.
This new edition of the book features:
• 200 new questions covering topics such as sex and intimacy, conflict, friendship, self-awareness, money, communication, childhood, boundaries, and holidays.
• A new introduction from the creators sharing what they've learned from the more than 100,000 couples who've used the book in real life.
• New bonus sections with questions on parenting and faith and spirituality
With these questions, you and your partner will feel connected, validated, understood, and more in love than ever before. This is a book for all couples-new and old, married for the first time, or maybe even the second-who want to keep learning about each other. Wherever you are on your love journey, these questions will help guide, protect, and nurture that love, one day and one question at a time.


Casey and Meygan Caston are the founders of Marriage365, an online platform for couples looking to overcome the obstacles keeping them from a connected, thriving marriage. After nearly divorcing within three years, the Castons restored their marriage by collecting practical tools to heal their relationship and now share them with an audience of millions via social media and the videos, worksheets, courses, and coaching opportunities found inside their mobile app. Their first self-published book, 365 Connecting Questions for Couples, was a runaway hit, and the Castons have been featured in CNN, ABC, NBC, Extra, Marie Claire, Bustle, and Fox News. They live in Southern California with their two children.

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