Cassandra Barnes

Ordinary People (A Love to Remember, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393110010
EAN 9781393110019
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Cassandra Barnes
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"Ordinary People" is Book Two of the "Carmen & Rose: A Love to Remember" Series. Carmen La Pierre met Rose Oliver when she was working at Jiffy's Seven-Eleven Sunoco in Piney Knoll, North Carolina. For both, it was love at first sight and a love that was destined to grow with them. It is their destiny that becomes this book, ten years after their first meeting in Volume 1, "Secret Love".
They have survived a hurricane, homophobic relatives, robbery, a claustrophobic rural town - rebuilding their lives emotionally in creative ways, learning to grow together.
After all these years, they are still in love.
This volume is approximately 250 pages.


Cass Barnes lives in northern Maine overlooking the Canadian border deep in the forests of Aroostook County. She writes novels, poetry and is an amateur photographer and jazz musician. She contributes to several Third World animal rescues and lives with a gray striped cat named Oscar. Cass is a lesbian who marched in the very first Gay Pride parade in Chicago. She graduated from Boston University magna cum laude in Sociology and attended Harvard for graduate school. She has been writing since childhood. Cass is also an avid computer hardware and software hobbyist. She loves to create epic scenery and plots with lesbian characters that build in her mind over time. Like a good sauce, she would like her writing to add flavor to a brighter future for all lesbians. And, of course, some understanding. Welcome to my world!

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