Cecil Beaton

The Glass of Fashion

A Personal History of Fifty Years of Changing Tastes and the People Who Have Inspired Them. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 400 Seiten
ISBN 0847844641
EAN 9780847844647
Veröffentlicht September 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Rizzoli Ex Libris
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
15,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Gorgeously repackaged, this reissue of the classic book presents the iconic photographer's expert and witty reminiscences of the personalities who inspired fashion's golden eras, and left an indelible mark on his own sense of taste and style. "The camera will never be invented that could capture or encompass all that he actually sees," Truman Capote once said of Cecil Beaton. Though known for his portraits, Beaton was as incisive a writer as he was a photographer. First published in 1954, The Glass of Fashion is a classic—an invaluable primer on the history and highlights of fashion from a man who was a chronicler of taste, and an intimate compendium of the people who inspired his legendary eye. Across eighteen chapters, complemented by more than 150 of his own line drawings, Beaton writes with great wit about the influence of luminaries such as Chanel, Balenciaga, and Dior, as well as relatively unknown muses like his Aunt Jessie, who gave him his first glimpse of "the grown-up world of fashion." Out of print for decades but recognized and sought after as a touchstone text, The Glass of Fashion will be irresistible to a new generation of fashion enthusiasts and a seminal book in any Beaton library. It is both a treasury and a treasure.


Sir Cecil Beaton (1904–1980) was a photographer in the 1920s for Vanity Fair and Vogue. As a portraitist, he photographed the stars of fashion, society, and the art worlds, and was considered the unofficial court photographer of the British royal family. He was also an Oscar-winning stage and costume designer. Hugo Vickers is Beaton's official biographer and literary executor. He has lectured about him all over the world and assisted with the many exhibitions devoted to Beaton.

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