Celeste Soleil

Lost Saucer

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1732720002
EAN 9781732720008
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Quick Pulse Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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An unplanned rescue. A mysterious AI. A journey into the unknown.
When sixteen-year-old math tutor Gwen and her friend and student Brian head out for a casual night of pizza in San Diego, the last thing they expect is to be caught in the middle of an extraterrestrial shootout. One moment, they're standing in a pizzeria-the next, they're trapped on an alien spaceship, hurtling through deep space with no way home.
Their reluctant protector, Reeva, is an advanced AI with no memory of its past mission but a strict directive to keep them alive. With an injured alien Ambassador, a damaged ship, and bounty hunters in pursuit, Gwen must rely on her instincts and wits to survive in a universe she barely understands.
Lost in the vast expanse of space, their only hope is to navigate a fractured galaxy filled with warring factions, black-market medics, and ancient secrets-all while uncovering the truth about their unexpected journey home.
But something darker is hunting them. And if they don't find their way home soon, Earth may not be there when they return.
Book one in The Lost Saucer series.


Celeste Soleil is the imaginative force behind The Lost Saucer and Café Olé series, crafting bold, fast-paced adventures that blend sci-fi, mystery, and urban fantasy. With a passion for exploring the unknown—both in the cosmos and within the human spirit—she creates stories that transport readers to uncharted worlds while keeping them grounded in the emotions that make us all connected.
When she's not writing, Celeste can be found sipping espresso in a quiet café, mapping out her next interstellar odyssey, or getting lost in a stargazing session. She believes the best stories don't just entertain—they spark curiosity, challenge perspectives, and remind us that the universe is full of possibilities.

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