Changing Cultures

European Perspectives on the History of Portland Cement and Reinforced Concrete, 19th and 20th Centuries. 1. Auflage. 231 farbige Abbildungen, 221 farbige Fotos, 10 farbige Zeichnungen, 9 farbige Tabellen. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 366 Seiten
ISBN 1000937860
EAN 9781000937862
Veröffentlicht August 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis eBooks

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The first part explores the mutual international influence between these countries and their intrinsic characteristics in this field, resulting from each nation's particular economic, social, political, cultural and technological conditions. The second part of the book focuses on the history of public works companies.


João Mascarenhas-Mateus is Principal Researcher at CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon, since 2015. PhD in Civil Engineering (IST, Technical University of Lisbon, 2001); MSc in Architecture (RLICC, KULeuven - Belgium, 1992). From 2015 to 2020, he was awarded a research contract of excellence (FCT -Portuguese Research Foundation Researcher). During that time, he directed the research project "From Lime to Portland Cement. Construction History and Building Cultures in Contemporary Portugal" ( At present, he is leading a project to build a digital knowledge platform for Portugal Construction History, during the 19th and 20th centuries (, also funded by FCT.
He organized in 2010 and 2015 the First and Second Portuguese Conferences on the History of Construction in Portugal. He was one of the coordinators of the Organizing Committee of the First and Second International Congresses on Luso-Brazilian Construction History (2013 and 2016). He is the founder (since 2015), former president (2018-2021) and present vice-president of the Portuguese Society for Construction History Studies (SPEHC), and a member of the editorial committee of the International Journal of the Construction History Society (Cambridge, UK). He was the chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH, Lisbon 2021).

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