Charles Dickens

Martin Chuzzlewit

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 946 Seiten
ISBN 3849642941
EAN 9783849642945
Veröffentlicht Februar 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Jazzybee Verlag
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This is the illustrated and annotated edition including an extensive biographical essay about the author and his life as well as a wealth of original illustrations. You will also find a detailed introduction (which is not included in other editions) regarding the history of the title and many insights.
The issue of a new edition of Martin Chuzzlewit tempts us to devote a few words to the consideration of what we venture to think the most brilliant and entertaining of all the works of Mr. Dickens. This new edition is in a very convenient form, and is clearly and handsomely printed; it contains, moreover, the illustrations published in the original issue, and therefore those happy young people to whom Martin Chuzzlewit is unknown may enjoy its perusal with every advantage. We do not pretend to have any observations to offer on so familiar a work that can have much novelty for the established admirers of Mr. Dickens.
There are especially three parts of Martin Chuzzlewit that have thus been incorporated into the body of English thought. There is the history and character of Mr. Pecksniff; there is the figure, the habits, and the friend of Mrs. Gamp; and there is the description of all that Martin did and saw in America. Whenever an oily and plausible man is to be pointed out, he is at once called a Pecksniff. Whenever an unknown authority is quoted against us, we exclaim " Mrs. Harris;" and the press of New York, and the speeches of American statesmen, forbid us ever to forget the " Pogram Defiance" and the proceedings of the Water-toast Association. These are the great contributions of Martin Chuzzlewit to the resources of the English language, and to the completeness of English literature.

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