Charles Mcshane

Classic American Locomotives

The 1909 Classic on Steam Locomotive Technology. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 720 Seiten
ISBN 1620879085
EAN 9781620879085
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

Auch erhältlich als:

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Anyone who has watched in anticipation as a powerful steam engine rolled into a station, belching iconic billows of black smoke, or heard the memorable blue note sound of a steam engine whistle will revel in Charles McShane's amazingly detailed exploration of the inner workings of the classic steam engine.
This historical record from 1909 will delight fans of classic American steam locomotives and those who have an unwavering love for classic American history. You'll be able to look over hundreds of detailed illustrations, from mechanical side valves and engines to locomotives like the Baldwin and the Richmond. Not only will you see the beauty of these historical machines, but McShane also explains every aspect of how these incredible behemoths of the railways operated.
With detailed examinations of the engineering of the classic steam engine, you will be able not only to understand and admire the outer workings of these locomotives, but also to learn what a side valve, steam injector, and pressure gauge are, and how they work. This classic will be loved by all and fit perfectly as the centerpiece of any train aficionado's library.


Charles McShane was also the author of The Locomotive Up to Date and One Thousand Pointers for Machinists and Engineers.

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