Charlotte C. Nelson

When Hearts Collide: Love, Chaos, and the Magic in Between

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230204558
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller CHARLOTTE C. NELSON
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The night cracked open with the kind of heat that makes your skin hum, the air thick with tension that clung like a whisper refusing to be ignored. A city pulsed beneath a sky littered with stars, careless in their twinkling, blind to the madness unraveling below. Horns screamed, tires scuffed pavement, neon signs blinked out their weary messages. But none of it mattered. Not in the way that hands finding each other in the dark did, not in the way a breath hitched before a kiss changed everything.
A woman stood at the edge of something too big to name, her heels balanced on the curb like a tightrope walker on the brink of a great and terrible fall. Her hair, a riot of dark waves, fought against the wind. Her pulse rattled in her throat, and she felt it—the shift, the sharp pull of the unknown. He was there. Not in the way a man just exists in a room but in the way gravity exists, invisible but undeniable. He wasn't supposed to be. She wasn't supposed to care. And yet, the world conspired otherwise.
A man, shoulders broad enough to carry things that shouldn't be carried, walked with purpose. His jaw was a clenched thing, his hands loose at his sides, a controlled storm. Eyes dark, unreadable, the kind that had seen too much but still looked anyway. He found her in the crowd, just as he always did, as if something older than either of them had made sure of it. She turned, and it was done.
Fate doesn't knock politely. It doesn't ask if you're ready. It kicks down the door, rips the floor out from under you, demands you keep up or be swallowed whole. Love—real love—is never neat. It doesn't arrive in a crisp package tied with a neat bow. It's jagged edges, breathless arguments at midnight, the ghost of fingertips on skin long after they've gone. It's a battlefield where surrender tastes like victory and loss doesn't mean leaving.
They weren't supposed to cross paths, but there they were. An unstoppable force and an immovable object, colliding in the only way that mattered. The city blinked around them, indifferent. The wind pushed against them, relentless. Somewhere, in the depths of their chests, something cracked open. It was too late to turn back.
Nothing good ever comes easy. Nothing worth keeping arrives without a fight. And yet, when hearts collide, the world doesn't pause to watch. It keeps spinning, as if love isn't the most reckless, breathtaking, gut-wrenching chaos there is. As if it isn't magic.

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