Chase Collins

Trust Your Trust Fund: Finding Purpose and Freedom with Inherited Wealth

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798992385915
Veröffentlicht 6. Mai 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Chase Your Potential LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Build a Life You Love with Your Inherited Wealth—Without Losing Yourself.
You inherited wealth—so why do you feel so lost?
Statistics show that most inheritances are gone within three generations, and nearly 90% of lottery winners go broke within five years. Trust fund recipients and inheritors often struggle in silence, feeling lost, guilty, and unsure of what to do with their wealth. Doors of opportunity are open, but without purpose, financial literacy, and a plan, even great wealth can lead to self-destruction.
In Trust Your Trust Fund, inheritor turned coach Chase Collins pulls back the curtain on the unspoken struggles of inherited wealth, from emotional burdens, family expectations, and social isolation to destructive behaviors and reckless decision-making. Blending personal experience with expert coaching strategies, Collins jump-starts a conversation no one is having—how to navigate the emotional and financial complexities of inherited wealth while building a fulfilling life.
Readers will gain:- Methods to break free from the guilt, shame, and other stigmas around inherited or sudden wealth and privilege.- An understanding of the psychology of inherited money and how to avoid common pitfalls like overspending, trust issues, and lack of motivation.- Strategies to break generational cycles of mismanagement, addiction, and self-sabotage.- The financial literacy to sustain and grow your inheritance responsibly.- The ability to define your purpose beyond your money and create a legacy that truly matters.
Wealth is not an identity. It's a tool—when you learn how to use it. Whether you've recently inherited money, expect to, or know someone who has, this book will shift the way you think about wealth and help you navigate it with confidence. Trust Your Trust Fund is the guide you need to turn privilege into purpose and financial security into lifelong fulfillment.

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