Cheryl Adnams, Vanda Vadas, Avril Tremayne, Sue-Ellen Pashley

The Day We Met

Four short meet cute love stories. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 64 Seiten
ISBN 0143780425
EAN 9780143780427
Veröffentlicht November 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Random House Australia
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Four free, deliciously romantic short stories.
WHEN JACK MET EVIE he found his usual movie star charm wasn't enough to catch her attention. In fact, she seemed to be actively avoiding him . . . He's heard Evie has a fatal fear of paparazzi, but that doesn't mean he should ignore his heart, does it?
WHEN HARRY MET BETH he was tongue-tied for weeks. How was it possible this goddess of a woman now worked at their local hardware store in McLaren Vale? And how on earth will this farmer's son get up the courage to win her love?
WHEN HENRY MET GINA he instantly knew two things. One, that she was a changer like he was. And two, that his dad was right about the way their kind fell in love - instantly, irrevocably. But has Gina felt it too?
WHEN ELOISE MET ZACH she sensed something strangely distinguished about the masked intruder holding her captive outside her own ball. Lady Eloise Blakely has always longed for a world less ordinary, but is she ready to give her heart to an outlaw?


Cheryl Adnams (Author)
Cheryl Adnams lives in Adelaide, South Australia. After discovering a love of writing in high school, she went on to complete courses in screenplay writing and a Diploma of Freelance Travel Writing and Photography.
Having travelled extensively, Cheryl lived and worked in the United States, Canada and then for a tour company in Switzerland and Austria. Back home in South Australia now, she has a deep love and pride for the Fleurieu Peninsula and Adelaide Hills regions - particularly the beauty of the beaches and wine region of McLaren Vale.
She attributes Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb for inspiring her to get back into her lifetime love of writing. When she's not writing, Cheryl is avidly reading as many books as she can fit in around her busy full-time job as a training facilitator.
Vanda Vadas (Author)
Before residing in Australia, Vanda's birthplace and early childhood years were spent in Papua New Guinea. At the age of eleven, a holiday in England sparked an interest in the days of old. Castles, ruins, and discovering Jane Austen novels inspired a life-long interest in all things historical, a passion that later kick-started Vanda's desire to write historical romance.
Vanda has studied and worked in the field of Education, teaching Literacy and Numeracy to children and adults. She's also worked as a PA, a recruitment consultant and now in home furnishings.
Her two children, of whom she's immensely proud, have flown the coop and are successfully making their own way in the world.
Vanda and her husband live on the Gold Coast in Queensland where they enjoy walks along world-renowned beaches or a quiet getaway to the lush hills of the Hinterland.
Avril Tremayne (Author)
After a highly successful career in corporate communications, Avril Tremayne decided she needed a little more romance in her life.
And having tried her hand at shoe selling, nursing, teaching, and short-order cooking, before braving the corporate ladder as a high flying executive mixing it up with the business elite and an occasional celebrity, Avril has gathered more than enough raw material to kick-start a swag of tall tales.
She lives in Sydney, Australia, where her husband and daughter try to keep her out of trouble - not always successfully.
She's a mad keen traveller, with more favourite cities than should be strictly allowable, and loves giving travel advice to anyone who asks - and a good few who don't!
When she's not writing or reading, Avril can generally be found eating - although she does not cook - drinking wine, and obsessing about shoes.
Sue-Ellen Pashley (Author)
Aquila is Sue-Ellen's first published novel. From being an avid reader and writer as a child to studying literature at university, she's always loved the written word and where it can transport her. Sue-Ellen is a member of the Queensland Writers Centre, Romance Writers of Australia and the Bundaberg Writers Group.
In her 'other' life, Sue-Ellen works as a social worker, providing counselling to people of all ages, including young adults. She lives in Central Queensland with her very patient husband, her 3 awesome kids and a menagerie - dogs, chooks, snakes, blue-tongue lizards, a turtle and too many fish to count. She's an eternal optimist who really enjoys making things as difficult as possible for her protagonists.

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