Chloe Walsh

Binding 13

Epic, emotional and addictive romance from the TikTok phenomenon. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0349439249
EAN 9780349439242
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Piatkus Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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An epic and unforgettable love story begins in Binding 13, the first in the international bestselling and TikTok-phenomenon The Boys of Tommen series, from Chloe Walsh.
The power and pain of first love has never been more deeply felt than in Chloe Walsh's extraordinary stories about the irresistible Boys of Tommen, which will give you the ultimate book hangover.
The reader reaction to The Boys of Tommen says it all!
'This universe is all consuming. Chloe Walsh has some serious talent'
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'If you're looking for a beautifully written, heart wrenching, hilarious book . . . and want one hell of a book hangover, then do yourself a favour and read these pronto'
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'To say I loved this book is an understatement, It has ripped my guts out shattered my heart had me biting my nails with anticipation and bawling like a baby all in one phenomenal read'
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'I adore this world & the found family this series has brought into my life and I don't know what I was before I read this'
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'Chloe Walsh will always be my number one author'
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They are from opposites sides of the track - but when their two worlds collide, nothing will ever be the same again.
Johnny Kavanagh has everything going for him. On the rugby pitch, he's a force to be reckoned with. Primed for stardom, he's heading straight for the top. Nothing can possibly get in his way, right? Not even the shy new girl at Tommen College. The one with the sad eyes and hidden bruises. The one that distracts him like no one ever has.
Life has never been easy for Shannon Lynch. Bullied and tortured, she arrives at Tommen College mid-way through the school year praying for a fresh start and desperate to shake off the demons that plague her. On her very first day at the prestigious private school, she comes into contact with the notorious Johnny Kavanagh. Thrown through a hoop over her feelings for him, and desperate to keep a low-profile, Shannon finds herself once again the target of bullies as she forms a fragile alliance with rugby's rising star.
Falling into a complicated friendship and grappling with their undeniable chemistry, Johnny and Shannon could never have foreseen the obstacles that will threaten their blossoming relationship . . .
Want more of Johnny, Shannon and the rest of The Boys of Tommen? Read the rest of the series so far:
Binding 13
Keeping 13
Saving 6
Redeeming 6
Taming 7 - preorder Claire and Gibsie's story now!


Chloe Walsh

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