Chris Carter

The Death Watcher

The Top Ten Sunday Times Bestseller. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 400 Seiten
ISBN 1471197638
EAN 9781471197635
Veröffentlicht Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Simon + Schuster LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The 13th chilling and adrenaline-packed Robert Hunter thriller and Top Ten Sunday Times Bestseller.
'Gruesome but utterly riveting - and all the more so for being at least partly true' Geoffrey Wansell, Daily Mail
'Dark, chilling and full of clever little plot kinks designed to send the reader off on a wild goose chase - and succeeding.' Crime Fiction Lover
'Prepare to be terrified' Crime Monthly
When a routine autopsy on what looked like a straightforward hit-and-run leads the LA Chief Medical Examiner, Dr Carolyn Hove, to discover some puzzling inconsistencies, she calls in Detective Robert Hunter of the LAPD Ultra Violent Crimes Unit. Not only did Dr Hove discover that the death wasn't caused by a hit-and-run, but she also found indications that the victim had been severely tortured prior to death.
What no one realises is that what Dr Hove has stumbled upon is just the tip of the iceberg and it will lead Hunter and his partner, Carlos Garcia, on the trail of a twisted and clever killer who hides in plain sight. A serial killer no one even knew existed - a killer who has always operated under the radar, expertly disguising every gruesome murder as an accidental death.
But with no leads as to why the victim was targeted, the investigation comes to a standstill, until another body is discovered with an alternative cause of death.
What becomes clear is that this serial killer isn't going to stop - unless Hunter and Garcia can get to him.
But how do you investigate a murder when you have no victims? How do you catch a killer who leaves behind no crime scene? How do you stop a ghost who no one can prove even exists?
'This is a chilling, compulsive portrait of a psychopath, and proves that Carter is now in the Jeffery Deaver class' Daily Mail
'Carter has a background in criminal psychology and the killers at the centre of his novels are all the more terrifying for it' Mail on Sunday
'Carter is one of those authors who makes writing look effortless . . . I couldn't put it down' Crimesquad
'Punchy and fast paced' Sunday Mirror


Chris Carter is a top bestselling author in the United Kingdom, whose books include An Evil Mind, One By One, The Death Sculptor, The Night Stalker, The Executioner and The Crucifix Killer. He worked as a criminal psychologist for several years before moving to Los Angeles, where he swapped the suits and briefcases for ripped jeans, bandanas and an electric guitar. He is now a full-time writer living in London. Find out more at

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