Chris James Carter

Magnet Motor for Sale Edition 2025

Worldwide dealer list where you can buy free energy magnet motors and kits including price and source information, descriptions and bonus download in the book. Empfohlen 1 bis 99 Jahre. 4. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 282 Seiten
ISBN 3819045171
EAN 9783819045172
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller epubli
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
19,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Magnet Motor for Sale - Worldwide dealer list where you can buy free energy magnet motors and kits including price and source information, descriptions and bonus download in the book edition 2025
Do you prefer to buy ready-made magnetic motors, free energy generators or kits instead of building them yourself? You will find what you are looking for in this book! If you prefer to buy ready-made magnet motors, free energy generators and/or kits, this book provides you with the latest worldwide list of dealers (as of March 2025) including prices and sources. Including pictures, descriptions, exact internet addresses where you can purchase and inquire about ready-made magnet motors and free energy generators.
Over 47 magnet motors and free energy generators worldwide are described in this book. So you have a direct shortcut and can buy a ready-made magnetic motor or free energy generator instead of building them yourself without any effort, complication or specialist knowledge. Whether you want to buy ready-made kits, small or large magnetic motors, or free energy generators with a wide range of outputs, applications and price models, this book provides you with many sources.
You will even find in this book an extra 176 pages of step-by-step assembly instructions for a purchasable kit, which is also described here in this book. You will find these premium assembly instructions for the finished kit in this book in the table of contents.
You can then read another 176 pages on how it is constructed with detailed descriptions and pictures. On page 23 of this book, this solenoid motor is also described in more detail to help you better understand the function of this solenoid motor. This complete magnetic motor package is not available anywhere else and has been made available especially for you in this book. You can read more about it inside!


Chris James Carter befasst sich seit 2022 mit dem Thema Freie Energie und Holzbearbeitung und schreibt seitdem eigene Bücher über seine eigenen Erfahrungen zu diesen Themen

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