Chris Mason

Center Fire

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1466077301
EAN 9781466077300
Veröffentlicht Februar 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Chris Mason
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Carla is a ruthless ex-Mossad agent, once a rising star, who mysteriously walked away from a mission and vanished into the shadow world of mercenaries. She helps a notorious arms dealer, who's come out of retirement for one last score, steal three nuclear warheads from a missile base in Ukraine that's about to be decommissioned. But she has a private agenda that her comrades can't even begin to suspect.
When Carla breaks into the FBI office in Seattle to find a contact in the Witness Protection Program, she stumbles across Derek, a small-time thief who's pretending to hack into the FBI's computer system for the Mob, but is actually helping the FBI to entrap them. She forces him to help her and then kidnaps him.
Everything starts to unravel when Derek doesn't show up for his appointments with either side. Before you can say "double-cross," Carla and Derek are being chased by the FBI, the CIA, the Mafia, vengeful arms dealers, and the Mossad assassins that have been trying to take Carla down for over a year.
The spree of kidnappings, tricks, betrayals, gunfights, near-misses, car chases, and helicopter stunts ranges all over the Northwest into Canada. Their only hope for survival, and to stop the warheads from falling into the wrong hands, is to find a way to turn the chase around and become the hunters instead of the hunted.
Throughout the chaos of narrow escapes, explosions, and flying bullets, only one person has any understanding of what's really happening or any hope of preventing the nuclear terrorism she's helped unleash: the unstoppable Carla.


Chris Mason is a software engineer who would rather have been a writer, but he is addicted to coding and couldn't figure out how to support himself writing obscure novels. He worked as a programmer and programming manager for 18 years -- including 10 years at Microsoft, where he was involved with Word and Office for Macintosh. He has three software patents stashed in the back of his closet.
After leaving Microsoft for good he founded GrowlyBird Software, which develops free Macintosh applications. He has written ten novels, four of which are available here. Three of his other novels are for sale on Amazon (as ebooks and paperbacks, at the link shown below), and another will be available there soon.
Because he's a workaholic curmudgeon with hermit tendencies, he doesn't engage in social media. But you can contact him at

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