Chris Mason

Jazzberry and Fidget

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1465747540
EAN 9781465747549
Veröffentlicht März 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Quaternary Publishing Ltd.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Annie is a normal eight-year old girl who can't focus on her school lessons. One night her life changes forever when she dreams that a tiny, beautiful fairy and a bumbling, poodle-sized dragon wake her from sleep. They ask her to visit them in the woods near her house the next day, and though she knows it was just a dream, she goes there after school.
But the dream was real. Jazzberry the fairy and Fidget the dragon meet her there and ask Annie to help them. Her uncle Dennis is planning to tear down their woods and build a housing development, which will doom all the fairies and dragons that have been living secretly in those woods for ages. They need her to convince her uncle to stop the project.
How can a little girl convince a grown man and his business partners to give up millions of dollars in profits? Annie convinces Jazzberry and Fidget to break their rules about secrecy and change Dennis's mind. What if it was not just the fate of the fairies and dragons at stake? What if the misguided development threatened the entire world?
As the bulldozers get ready to roll and Dennis goes off the deep end, planning eco-terrorism strikes that will certainly fail, it's up to Annie—flunking-history Annie, bullied Annie, eight-year old Annie—to come up with a plan to save the world.


Chris Mason was a software engineer for 18 years, including 10 years at Microsoft working on Word and Office. He would rather have spent that time writing novels, but someone had to make enough money to buy dog food. He is also the founder of GrowlyBird Software, which develops free Macintosh applications. Born in Ohio, Chris has moved around too much for anyone's good, living in several places that might be considered tourist attractions. He mines those experiences for the settings of his books. He lives in Florida with his wife, two dogs, two cats, and a smart-aleck macaw who has pets of her own. You can contact him through his publisher: quaternarypub at gmail.

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