Christian Hawellek

Marte Meo Propedeutyka

Paperback. Sprache: Polnisch.
kartoniert , 96 Seiten
ISBN 3749471924
EAN 9783749471928
Veröffentlicht September 2019
Verlag/Hersteller BoD - Books on Demand
9,90 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 3-5 Tagen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

This publication provides a concise and easy-to-grasp introduction to the fundamental principles of the Marte Meo method. Starting with the theoratical foundations, the book follows up with a plethora of working examples that have proven their value for learning and practicing the Marte Meo method. Readers with a theoratical and academic interest will be presented with a large selection of references to further literature.
Marte Meo is applied in 42 countries around the world, and since 2016 it also finds growing adoption in Poland.
The book is a Polish translation of the original "Marte Meo im Überblick" by C. Hawellek (ISBN-10: 3741224294).


Dr. phil. Christian Hawellek, Dipl. päd., is a member of the management team of the Norddeutsches Marte Meo Institut as lic. Marte Meo Supervisor.
He is one of the pioneers of the Marte Meo Method in German-speaking countries. He is a visiting lecturer at various universities and a specialist consultant at home and abroad.
Christian Hawellek is a marriage, education and family counsellor as well as a child and youth psychotherapist and has many years of experience in psychotherapeutic and counselling work with children, families and couples.
He has become known as editor and author of various books and professional articles on counselling, therapy and coaching. In recent years he has focused on observational counselling according to the Marte Meo Method.

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