Christophe Paroni

You Are the Glitch in the Matrix (NPC decoded)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230491637
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Christophe Paroni
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
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What if everything you see, hear, and touch is just a projection—an elaborate hologram designed to keep you trapped in an illusion? What if waking up is just stepping into another layer of the dream?
This reality is not what it seems. The rules you follow, the limits you believe in, the history you've been told—all carefully programmed to keep you within the boundaries of the Matrix. But here's the secret: you are the glitch. The anomaly. The one who can break the script and bend reality to your will.
Are you awake? Or are you still dreaming?
The only way to find out is to start reading this quick book to elevate your soul.


Christophe Paroni is a prolific Italian author known for his insightful analyses and daring exploration of complex subjects in both 3D and other dimensions. He made a notable entry into the literary world in 2020 with his revolutionary French book "PCR: Covid-19 La Supercherie Planétaire," the first book on the subject, now available in English under the title: The Planetary scam (325 pages) , providing a timely and compelling analysis of the global pandemic and its orchestration. He argued back in 2020 that a health crisis was being used to conceal a monetary crisis and a war orchastred by the neocons. A book foretelling what we live through each winter... This defined his bold approach to writing to re-inform, in times of authoritarianism.
In 2021, he published several provocative books in French, including "Co2: from Health Pass to CO2 Pass, the Great Bullshit," which critically examines environmental and energy policies in Europe (France, Germany...) long before the crisis of 2022 and 2023 that is setting in Europe. His relentless quest for truth and understanding is a hallmark of his work, with boundless curiosity to unveil truths in these troubled times. He followed with the book: "The Cow Doesn't Laugh Anymore" which describes the stranglehold on the food chain from synthetic meat to insects and food coloring...
In 2023, Paroni delved into the esoteric world of numbers with his first book in English "Hacking Number 9: from everyday life to financial markets," a deep dive into the infinite implications of the number 9 and the hidden secrets of this number, which is everywhere from your life to financial markets to nature. You will learn that everything is written by this number. In this book, he dissected the entirely rigged financial markets by two algorithms, a theme he later developed in a book dedicated to algorithms: ICT.
His work "Quantum Field Unclassified" delivers an awakening to the quantum world with the concepts of Quantum Leap and Quantum Fields as well as retroaction laws: the future changes your past. This unique book contains a declassified CIA document on the experience of Gateway Voyages, which was recently made public; it is the first book containing the declassified document including the concept of Tor and Remote Viewing.

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