Christopher Clarke

Warring Fictions

Left Populism and its Defining Myths. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1786612933
EAN 9781786612939
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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December 2019 was a catastrophe for Labour. After nearly ten years in opposition, the party has suffered its fourth straight defeat and is approaching fifteen years since it last won.
As the soul searching begins, Labour's broad church will have to ask: at what level do we disagree? Since Jeremy Corbyn became leader this has been a central question for the two sides of the left. There is constant discussion of 'splits', 'coups' and 'purges'. Anger and impotence are felt on both sides. Everyone seems to hate each other, but no one can agree on why.
Writing from a centre-left perspective, Chris Clarke points to where the guts of the dispute lie. He argues that disagreements come down to narrative, not core values. Belief or otherwise in the central myths which drive left populism - conflict, insurgency and decline - represents the true dividing line between pro- and anti-Corbyn factions.
Combative but constructive, Warring Fictions makes the case for pluralism and questions the premise of Corbynism. Rather than a call for 'faux harmony', it's an attempt to break the deadlock - providing a route-map for the centre left, an explanation to the far left, and the foundations for a genuine debate between the two.


By Christopher Clarke

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