Christopher Holmes Nixon

Social Median, The

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0994812876
EAN 9780994812872
Veröffentlicht November 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Christopher Holmes Nixon
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

"The median is our shepherd, we shall not want!"
This Sunday, join the Church of Sociology as the Right Honorable Reverend John James Veritable delivers his most charismatic sermon to date.
Streaming live from the Citadel, follow Reverend Veritable as he guides us through the Revised Book of Genesis and the four sacred pillars of the Social Median.
Watch, listen, and believe as Reverend Veritable introduces three lost children, Jack Freeman, Frank Overton, and Patricia Manners, and recounts their miraculous path to salvation.
Join us! #ChurchofSociology #RevisedBookofGenesis #ReverendVeritable #TheSocialMedian
"The Social Median" is a work of horror and dystopian science fiction in which social media forms the nexus for technology, politics, economics, and society to assume control of all aspects of human life in the form of a new religion.
For more works by Christopher Holmes Nixon, please visit


Christopher Holmes Nixon is originally from, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and holds degrees in Economics and Political Science from the same city.
For the last decade, he has served as an Infantry Officer with the Canadian Armed Forces and the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry, with one operational tour to Afghanistan with the Task Force 3-09 Battle Group.
He currently resides in Edmonton, Alberta, and enjoys an addiction to writing.
For more works by Christopher Holmes Nixon, please visit

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