The Train in Spain - Christopher Howse

Christopher Howse

The Train in Spain

1. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 9.
pdf eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1441167870
EAN 9781441167873
Veröffentlicht November 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Continuum
14,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This is not a book about trains but about the variety of Spain.
Bestselling author Christopher Howse makes ten great railway journeys that explore the interior of the peninsula, its astonishing landscapes and ancient buildings. The focus is the way the Spanish live now: their habits, streets, characters, stories - and quite a bit about their eating and drinking.
Christopher Howse has been travelling around Spain for 25 years, and has now made a 3,000 mile circumnavigation by train from the top of the Pyrenees - through the vulture-haunted wilds of Extremadura and the Spaghetti Western deserts of the south, to the ancient hilltop city of Cuenca and beyond. On the way he meets troglodytes, visits a city ruined by an earthquake, runs into a dancing lion, stumbles across a body-snatching plot and tries out a recipe for acorn pie.
An entertaining exploration of a much-loved country, The Train in Spain gives a fascinating and entirely original portrait of a strange land at a time of great change.


Christopher Howse is a writer for the Daily Telegraph, writing about the world's faiths. He also blogs about the English language and is a regular contributor to The Spectator and The Tablet. He is the author of A Pilgrim in Spain (2011), The Train in Spain (2013) and Soho in the Eighties (2018), all published by Bloomsbury Continuum.
Among his other bestselling books for Continuum are Prayers for This Life (2005) and The Assurance of Hope (2006). He is the author of How We Saw It: 150 years of The Daily Telegraph (2004).


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