Ciara Graves

Judge Not (Reign of Shadows, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393887406
EAN 9781393887409
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller CiaGra
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Seraphim, lords of hell, angels, demons, corrupted mortals, hell spawn, and the dark creatures of nightmares. The Reign of Shadows is just starting!
Lela's a warrior of light. As a warrior of light her mission is to protect the world from the legions of demons, corrupted mortals, hell spawn, and the dark creatures of nightmares.
Cracks in the veil have opened up the war of shadows and brought it to the mortal plane, opening up the seals to the realms of angels and hell.
Lela's latest orders are to close the rift near a rundown human settlement. Ambushed by demons during her mission, she finds herself squaring off against a massive demon covered in tribal tattoos.
Tonamech-known as Mech- a tat-covered demon is one of the elite fighters under one of the nine Lords of Hell. HIs mission is to capture souls and return them to hell and fight off angel attacks.
Mech could do without angels. Any of them. Now he's fighting an angel bearing a very specific branding mark on her shoulder signifying her high rank. He takes her captive. She could provide valuable intel.
Lela's hope is to build up a burst of holy light to help her escape the demonhold. She didn't count on Mech's tenacity.
Warning: Unputdownable action-packed fantasy, with a touch of romance which features seraphim, lords of hell, angels, demons, corrupted mortals, hell spawn, and the dark creatures of nightmares.

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