Claire Boston

Rescuing Mila (Squadron 6, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1922916137
EAN 9781922916136
Veröffentlicht 21. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Bantilly Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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In the heat of a high-stakes mission, they must survive not only the enemy but the fury of nature itself...
Damien "Dobby" Dobson, a seasoned special operations soldier, has faced countless life-threatening situations. But nothing could have prepared him for the mission on a remote Indonesian island, where a routine hostage rescue spirals into chaos. A devastating tsunami strikes, turning the operation into a battle for survival.
Amid the wreckage, Damien discovers Mila Watkins, a resilient and resourceful woman with links to the hostage. Not only is she vital to the success of the mission, but she's also the next target of the ruthless kidnappers. With the team scattered and one member critically injured, Damien makes a split-second decision to stay behind, vowing to protect Mila at all costs.
As they navigate the island's treacherous terrain, hunted by enemies and cut off from all support, the growing bond between Damien and Mila becomes as undeniable as the dangers closing in on them. But with the enemy approaching and nowhere left to hide, can they escape the island alive— or will their fight for survival be a losing battle?
Rescuing Mila is a heart-pounding tale of courage, love, and the fight to survive against all odds.


Claire Boston has loved dragons, magic and everything fantastical since she read The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton. As a child she used to sneak to the bottom of the garden in the hope of finding fairies. Alas she never found any, so she brought them alive in her own imagination. As she grew older, she fell in love with romance and romantic suspense when she discovered her mother's stash of Nora Roberts novels.
When Claire began writing, she was torn between fantasy and romance so in the end decided to write both. Her stories are full of love, adventure and escape.
When Claire's not writing she can be found creating her own handmade journals, swinging on a sidecar, or in the garden attempting to grow something other than weeds.
Claire lives in Western Australia with her husband, who loves even her most annoying quirks, and is currently learning how to crochet.

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