Claire Daverley

Talking at Night

The perfect read for fans of One Day and Normal People. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1405953861
EAN 9781405953863
Veröffentlicht Juli 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin

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''If you love really gentle, beautiful and very cleverly written love stories, then this is the book for you' FEARNE COTTON
'Moving and beautifully told... gave me One Day vibes' LIBBY PAGE
'A beautifully observed, tender, grown up love story' JOJO MOYES
'Basically impossible to put down' BOBBY PALMER
'Deeply romantic' LAURA BARNETT
'A passionate, page-turning debut' DAILY MAIL
'Stunning, tender and true' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SUMMER READING
Will and Rosie meet as teenagers.
They're opposites in every way. She overthinks everything; he is her twin brother's wild and unpredictable friend. But over secret walks home and late-night phone calls, they become closer - destined to be one another's great love story.
Until, one day, tragedy strikes, and their future together is shattered.
But as the years roll on, Will and Rosie can't help but find their way back to each other. Time and again, they come close to rekindling what might have been.
What do you do when the one person you should forget is the one you just can't let go?
'Spellbinding, beautiful, lyrical and tender...a dazzling debut. I loved every word and was left longing for more' ROSIE WALSH, author of THE MAN WHO DIDN'T CALL
'The story of Will and Rosie is a classic love story in every sense, and yet, in Claire Daverley's hands, it felt entirely new' MARY BETH KEANE, New York Times bestselling author of ASK AGAIN, YES
'Entirely beautiful, bruising and hopeful. Claire Daverley has created a perfect thing. Talking at Night takes its place amongst my all time favourites' CHRIS WHITAKER
'Writing that is laced with the quiet devastation of Sally Rooney. Utterly spellbinding' JULIE OWEN MOYLAN
'A classic will-they-won't-they in the vein of David Nicholls, this novel is impossible to put down' CONSTANZA CASATI, author of CLYTEMNESTRA
'This exquisitely woven tale . . . captures readers right from its opening passages. Fans of Sally Rooney's Normal People will absolutely adore this tender, utterly charming and heart-wrenching tale' THE SCOTS MAGAZINE


Claire Daverley was born in 1991 and has been writing stories ever since she was six years old, inspired by art and film and her many trips to the library. After graduating with a degree in Fine Art from The University of Oxford, she began a career in publishing, writing about books by day but penning her own by night, on trains, and in the light of the early mornings. She has spent most of her life in Hertfordshire, but now lives in Scotland with her husband and spaniel.
Her debut novel, Talking at Night, has sold in twenty-two languages to date.

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