Clara Bennett

Parapsychology: The Science Of The Paranormal (Exploring the Unseen)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227115966
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Global East-West LTD
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
28,49 inkl. MwSt.
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In *"Parapsychology: The Science of the Paranormal,"* Clara Bennett expertly navigates the perplexing and often controversial realm of parapsychology, presenting a thorough examination of phenomena that challenge the limits of conventional science. Known for her works *"Alien Chronicles"* and *"Roswell Revealed,"* Bennett brings the same investigative depth and captivating style to this comprehensive exploration of psychic phenomena and consciousness studies.
The book delves into core concepts such as Extrasensory Perception (ESP), telepathy, psychokinesis, and clairvoyance, exploring both the theoretical underpinnings and experimental evidence behind these extraordinary abilities. Emphasis is placed on landmark research, such as the controlled Ganzfeld Experiments, which sought to validate ESP phenomena, and the practice of Remote Viewing, a technique developed to perceive distant or unseen targets using the power of the mind.
In a particularly intriguing section, Bennett unveils how intelligence agencies, including the CIA, have covertly leveraged parapsychological principles for espionage and intelligence gathering. These applications include anomalous cognition techniques and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), used to transcend physical limitations and access information from non-physical realms. The revelations surrounding such programmes, including the infamous Stargate Project, are sure to captivate even sceptical readers.
The book, however, is not limited to psychic abilities. Bennett ventures into the consciousness-altering phenomena of near-death experiences (NDEs), documenting profound accounts of individuals who report vivid encounters with otherworldly realms at the edge of death. Spirit communication, reincarnation research, and apparitions are discussed with a critical yet open-minded lens, supported by evidence from culturally significant cases and exhaustive field investigations at haunted sites.
What sets Bennett's work apart is her balanced approach, blending professional analysis with gripping storytelling. *"Parapsychology: The Science of the Paranormal"* challenges readers to expand their understanding of mind-matter interaction, raising compelling questions about the true nature of consciousness and reality itself. This is a book for the curious, the sceptical, and the open-minded alike—a rich resource for those unafraid to explore the mysteries that extend beyond the boundaries of known science.

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