Claude M. Bristol

The Magic of Believing

The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 176 Seiten
ISBN 0486840247
EAN 9780486840246
Veröffentlicht Mai 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Ixia Press

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"One of the greatest inspirational and motivational books ever written." — Norman Vincent Peale
In this bestselling self-help book, a successful businessman reveals the secrets behind harnessing the unlimited energies of the subconscious. Millions of readers have benefited from these visualization techniques, which show you how to turn your thoughts and dreams into actions that can lead to enhanced income, happier relationships, increased effectiveness, heightened influence, and improved peace of mind.
World War I veteran Claude M. Bristol (1891–1951) wrote The Magic of Believing to help former soldiers adjust to civilian life. A pioneer of the New Thought movement and a popular motivational speaker, Bristol addressed those in all walks of life, from politicians and leaders to performers and salespeople. His timeless message of the powers of focused thinking and self-affirmation remains a vital source of inspiration and a practical path to achievement.


World War I veteran Claude M. Bristol (1891–1951) wrote The Magic of Believing to help former soldiers adjust to civilian life. A pioneer of the New Thought movement and a popular motivational speaker, he addressed a nationwide audience of clubs, business organizations, and salespeople.

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