Clean Living: 7 Free Healthy Paleo Recipes

7 Free Healthy Paleo Recipes. EPUB3, Fixed. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0733632785
EAN 9780733632785
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Hachette Australia
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Want to try the Clean Living lifestyle? Try seven of Luke and Scott's favourite Paleo recipes for free!
Luke Hines and Scott Gooding won the hearts of the Australian public with their healthy food revolution on the hit show 'My Kitchen Rules'. Their Paleolithic style of eating combined with their focus on keeping active has captivated the nation. Now they share seven of their favourite Paleo recipes from their new book Clean Living. Try their Paleo Parfait for breakfast or have the crispy skin barramundi for dinner and you'll find that healthy food can be delicious too. These recipes and more can be found in this great free ebook - which also includes a link to the full book.
Make the change to a healthier new you today! Bondi boys Luke and Scott are back, and this time they're out to cure your junk food cravings! One of the biggest challenges of embarking on a new diet is coping with the cravings for all that fast food you've had to give up. In Clean Living Fast Food Luke and Scott provide delicious and healthy alternatives to the foods you love - whether it's pizza, chocolate, doughnuts or fish and chips. Give all your favourite foods the Clean Living paleo makeover and try these fully illustrated and easy-to-follow recipes today.
The Clean Living Series
Clean Living
Clean Living Cookbook
Clean Living Quick & Easy
Clean Living Fast Food
Clean Living Paleo Basics
Clean Living Eat Clean


Luke Hines is a qualified surf lifesaver, a lover of healthy, fresh food and an internationally recognised personal trainer, with his own personal training business in Bondi. UK-born Scott Gooding's love of good food and cooking were encouraged early by his mother and father. Also a qualified personal trainer, Scott owns his own fitness business in Sydney's eastern suburbs.

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