Cristina Cacciari, Patrizia Tabossi


Processing, Structure, and Interpretation. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 360 Seiten
ISBN 1317782623
EAN 9781317782629
Veröffentlicht Februar 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
68,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

&quote;The book draws on a lot of research, is friendly to the reader, and will be of good value to teachers.&quote;Paul Nation, Victoria University of Wellington, AustraliaThis comprehensive, up-to-date, and accessible text on idiom use, learning, and teaching approaches the topic with a balance of sound theory and extensive research in cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics, and sociolinguistics combined with informed teaching practices. Idioms is organized in three parts:Part I includes discussion of idiom definition, classification, usage patterns, and functions. Part II investigates the process involved in the comprehension of idioms and the factors that influence individuals' understanding and use of idioms in both L1 and L2. Part III explores idiom acquisition and the teaching and learning of idioms, focusing especially on the strategies and techniques used to help students learn idioms. To assist the reader in grasping the key issues, study questions are provided at the end of each chapter. The text also includes a glossary of special terms and an annotated list of selective idiom reference books and student textbooks.Idioms is designed to serve either as a textbook for ESL/applied linguistics teacher education courses or as a reference book. No matter how the book is used, it will equip an ESL/applied linguistics students and professionals with a solid understanding of various issues related to idioms and the learning of them.


Cristina Cacciari, Patrizia Tabossi

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