Cynthia Clark

If You Only Knew

A gripping, debut thriller that you won't want to put down. 1. Auflage. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 1786699656
EAN 9781786699657
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK

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A wife, a mother, a killer.
One wrong decision, one terrifying night, leaves student Elizabeth with a stark choice - kill or be killed. And the consequences of that choice will shape her whole life.
Now a wife, a mother, and a lawyer, she must find a way to out run her past, protect her family and live with her secret. But is it really possible to live a happy life with such a huge shadow cast by the past? And as it becomes clear that someone else knows her secret and is hunting her down, time is running out for Elizabeth to keep her family safe.
In the bestselling tradition of Clare Mackintosh and Jenny Blackhurst, Cynthia Clark has written a heart-stopping story about the choices we make and how far we'd go to protect our families. Even if it means deceiving the people we love most...
'If You Only Knew is a tense, vividly written story that had me captivated right till the very end. Amazing!' Adele O'Neill.


Cynthia Clark was born and brought up in Malta, where she graduated in Communications and went to work for a daily newspaper. She has since lived in the US, where she worked as a writer in online business journals. She and her husband now live in the States with their twin daughters.

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