Cynthia Eden

Playing With Fire

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0758284128
EAN 9780758284129
Veröffentlicht August 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Brava
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
11,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Cassie Armstrong has plenty to atone for. The daughter of the most immoral researcher ever to pick up a scalpel, she's determined to use her own brilliance in genetics to repair the damage her family has done to the paranormals. Especially Dante, the first of the phoenixes, the one they call the Immortal. He's been haunting her dreams since she was a little girl, and she's been trying to ease his pain for almost as long. If only he remembered any of it . . .
Dante doesn't know what Cassie's story is. He almost doesn't care. The minute he sees her, all he can think is mine. But there's more to the pretty little doctor than meets the eye. And Dante isn't the only one to notice. He can't trust her, but he can't stay away-and if he wants to learn her secrets, he's going to have to fight like hell to keep them both alive . . .
Praise for Cynthia Eden's novels
"Readers will be looking forward to more Phoenix Fire books and, of course, hot alpha men."
"Inspired, masterful." -RT Book Reviews, TOP PICK!
"Alluring." -Publishers Weekly
"Wickedly sexy!" -The Parkersburg News & Sentinel
"Vampires and shape-shifters abound . . . Eden takes the book to the next level."
-The Washington Post
"Cynthia's on my must-buy list." -Angie Fox
"A fast-paced, sexy thrill ride you won't want to miss." -Christine Feehan


Cynthia Eden

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