Cynthia Wright

In a Renegade's Embrace (Rogues Go West, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230006152
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Oliver-Heber Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"Cynthia Wright magically intertwines passion and history." ~ RT Book Reviews
Sent to Little Bighorn by President Grant to keep an eye on hot-headed General Custer, Fox Matthews must live with a decision that left him alive after the rest of Custer's men were killed by Sioux warriors. Struggling with survivor's guilt, Fox takes refuge in a place where he's a stranger - the raucous gold town of Deadwood, located deep in the Black Hills, sacred land to the same Sioux Indians who decimated Custer's troops.
Madeleine Avery, raised to be a lady in Philadelphia, is appalled when she arrives in unrefined Deadwood with her family. Slowly she learns to bend, coaxed out of her shell by a powerful attraction to Fox and a journey into the world of the Sioux Indians.
IN A RENEGADE'S EMBRACE is an unforgettable tale of cultures colliding and the passionate, tender journey of Fox and Maddie as they discover the secrets of their own hearts.
The ROGUES GO WEST series:
1. BRIGHTER THAN GOLD (Jack & Katie)
3. THE DUKE & THE COWGIRL (Geoff & Shelby)
Author's note: Maddie's grandmother, Susan Hampshire O'Hara, is the daughter of Lion & Meagan from TOUCH THE SUN. She also appears in HER DANGEROUS VISCOUNT as a young woman.
IN A RENEGADE'S EMBRACE was originally published by Ballantine Books as FIREBLOSSOM.
"Wright weaves history and fiction together skillfully. Maddie is a proper lady who must learn to unbend. Fox is the presidential adviser who's undercover and left with survivor's guilt after he survives the Battle of Little Bighorn. Like 'Dances With Wolves,' IN A RENEGADE'S EMBRACE paints the Sioux as an idyllic people faced with the end of life as they know it. Wright creates sympathetic Indian characters and populates Deadwood with an array of real-life eccentrics. IN A RENEGADE'S EMBRACE again shows why Wright is one of the country's most popular romance novelists." ~ THE SIOUX FALLS ARGUS LEADER

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