D A Gregory


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1465873023
EAN 9781465873026
Veröffentlicht August 2011
Verlag/Hersteller D A Gregory
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The Parish Council of a pretty seaside village are struggling to keep their little corner of England thriving and autonomous. Wrapped up in the mundane and often hilarious business of organizing village life, Sue Cheam and her colleagues at the Council are shocked out of their complacency when horrifying secrets are uncovered beneath the respectable surface.
James Goswell begins to wonder if Pebbleton is the best place to be Parish Clerk, if you want to live a long and healthy life. And he has already taken drastic steps to guarantee that......
As the police begin to investigate, the self-interest of powerful men two centuries ago brings consequences that make a mockery of the Council's finest hour. But someone in this century knows the facts, and means to keep them hidden at all costs. Amid the chaos and suspicion, is it possible for romance to blossom? And will Sue ever finish the filing before the chocolate biscuits run out?


Born at an early age, discovered chocolate - enjoying life! Fiction, in my view, should not have to stick to one genre - life is full of drama, mysteries to be solved, romance and fun, so a story can have all that too. Literary heroine: Agatha Christie. Many more Pebbleton books in the pipeline, the village is the star.

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