D. Bohica

Invasive Species: An Epic Fantasy Novel / Series a Fantastical Worlds Saga of Orcs, Dragons and Druids, Action Packed Fantasy Book for Teens & Adults (1, #0)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798989768332
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller D.Bohica
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Invasive Species
In a realm where magic intertwines with the forces of nature, a formidable orc gladiator, Roar'Z, joins forces with Becky, his steadfast companion, in an urgent quest for survival. This epic tale unfolds in the mystical Enchanted Expanse, a land teeming with powerful druids, ferocious dragons, and other mythical beings.
Roar'Z, renowned for his brute strength and battle prowess, faces an array of daunting challenges. His journey is one of valor and resilience, marked by intense battles that test his mettle and leadership. With each skirmish, Roar'Z harnesses his fierce rage to overcome adversities, leaving a trail of awe in the wake of his flaming darts and strategic combat.
In stark contrast, Becky embodies a spirit of hope and healing, her presence a beacon in the direst of circumstances. Together, they navigate treacherous terrains, confronting both external threats and internal conflicts. Their bond, rooted in unshakeable loyalty and courage, proves pivotal as they confront the formidable Crimson Ruby, a dragon whose presence looms large over their fate.
Their path is fraught with danger, from a harrowing escape from the Gladiator Gulague to a tense showdown on a seaweed-strewn platform surrounded by perilous waters. These encounters underscore the story's central themes: the resilience of the spirit, the power of unity, and the relentless pursuit of safeguarding one's kind against overwhelming odds.
In this high-stakes adventure, alliances shift like the winds, and the line between friend and foe blurs. Each chapter is a testament to the extraordinary strength found in togetherness, even in the darkest of times. The narrative races towards a climactic confrontation, where the fate of Clan Rotem hangs in the balance.
This novel is more than a story of survival, it is an exhilarating journey through a world brimming with danger and unexpected alliances. It's a vivid portrayal of heroism, steeped in fantasy and rich in emotional depth. Prepare for a riveting experience that resonates with courage, echoing in the heart of every reader who dares to delve into this fantastical world.

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