Dagore Lamisi Mercy

I am Lamisi:Redefining Grace, Grit, and Generosity in the Heart of the People

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230068549
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller SHADDY WRITES
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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I AM LAMISI is not a title—it's a declaration, a moment. In this life, we are often sold the fantasy of perfection. We're taught that grace should be soft and quiet, that grit is a lone battle fought in silence, and that generosity is a noble act carried out in the shadows. But if you've ever truly lived, you know the truth. Life is messy. It's loud. And it demands something far rawer, far more real than the manufactured versions we're often shown. The grace I carry isn't delicate or fragile; it's the kind that's built through struggle and sweat. The grit I embody isn't about quiet perseverance—it's about stubbornness in the face of everyone who tells you "no" and every reason you should give up. And the generosity I practice isn't charity from a distance; it's up-close, heart-ripping, and life-changing. "I am Lamisi." That statement is more than a name—it's a call to anyone who's ever fought to be seen, who's had to carve space in a world that doesn't always make room. It's for the ones who know the weight of their dreams but still get up every morning to chase them. People often think that grace, grit, and generosity are things you just have or don't have. But that's not the reality. They're things you claim. Things you forge in the fire of your own truth.
Growing up in Ghana, there were no stories of easy roads, silver spoons, or simple paths to success. Our community thrived on the sweat of our brows and the bonds we forged with one another. Generosity wasn't just something we did when we felt like it; it was who we were. From the oldest grandmother to the youngest child, we gave because we knew that the survival of one was the survival of all. But let's not romanticize this. It wasn't about handing out change or giving food to the hungry. It was about showing up for people when they couldn't even ask. It was the hard kind of giving, the kind that asks something of you.

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