Daisy Johnson

The Hotel

The must-read short story collection for spooky season from the Booker Prize-shortlisted author. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1529939178
EAN 9781529939170
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Vintage Digital

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A strange collection of brilliantly atmospheric and original horror stories set in a hotel on the fens - originally a series commissioned for BBC Radio 4 and publishing to coincide with Halloween
A place of myths, rumours and secrets, The Hotel looms over the dark Fens, tall and grey in its Gothic splendour. Built on cursed land, a history of violent death suffuses its very foundations - yet it has a magnetism that is impossible to ignore.
On entering The Hotel, different people react in different ways. To some it is familiar, to others a stranger. Many come out refreshed, longing to return. But a few are changed forever, haunted by their time there. And almost all those affected are women...
Here are the stories of The Hotel: stories of children, mothers, monsters, cult film-makers, thrill-seekers and workers on the night shift, all with their own tales of its strange power, of the horrors of Room 63, and of desperate but failed attempts to escape its seductive pull.


Daisy Johnson was born in 1990. Her debut short-story collection, Fen, was published in 2016. In 2018 she became the youngest author ever to be shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize with her debut novel Everything Under. She is the winner of the Harper's Bazaar Short Story Prize, A. M. Heath Prize and Edge Hill Short Story Prize. Her debut play, Viola's Room, was produced in 2024 by the immersive theatre company Punchdrunk. She currently lives in Oxford by the river.

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