Danica Davidson, Rena Saiya

Manga Art for Intermediates

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Manga Drawings. 350 color illustrations. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 999 Seiten
ISBN 1510729534
EAN 9781510729537
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Bring your own manga characters to life!
With millions of fans around the world, manga is a beloved art form. Now you, too, can learn how to draw your favorite characters from Japanese comics and anime! Manga Art for Intermediates shows you how to draw detailed clothing, facial expressions, and other features, like hair and accessories. With gradual steps and helpful tips, this book will have you creating your own colorful characters in no time at all!
Learn to draw:
Gothic Lolita Shonen Hero Bride Groom Nekojin ("cat people") Yokai Victorian Man Female Warrior
The authors have done all the work for you. Just follow their simple, straightforward instructions, study the step-by-step drawings, and you'll soon have your own collection of fantastic manga characters!


Danica Davidson has written for MTV, The Onion, the Los Angeles Times, and about fifty other publications. She is also the author of the Unofficial Overworld Adventure series, as well as Manga Art for Beginners from Skyhorse Publishing.

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