Field Guide to the Birds of Chile - Daniel E. Martínez Piña, Gonzalo E. González Cifuentes

Daniel E. Martínez Piña, Gonzalo E. González Cifuentes

Field Guide to the Birds of Chile

1. Auflage. Features 89 detailed colour plates. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 42.
pdf eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1472987934
EAN 9781472987938
Veröffentlicht März 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Helm

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The definitive guide to the birds of Chile.
With its diverse range of habitats, Chile is one of the top birding destinations in South America and supports an interesting range of breeding and visiting birds, including the Chilean Tinamou, Juan Fernandez Firecrown and a number of other endemic species.
This comprehensive field guide covers all of the species recorded in Chile, including vagrants; all are illustrated in superb detail, and feature every major plumage variation. Concise species accounts describe key identification features, status, range, habitat and voice, and accurate distribution maps are also provided for every species.
Together, these elements make this the essential field guide to the birds of this fascinating and beautiful region.


Daniel E. Martínez Pina has devoted his life to both ornithology and illustration. A birder since his early childhood, he has travelled all over the country and is the co-author and illustrator of many books on the birds of this spectacular region.


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