Dannika Dark

The Brave (Black Arrowhead Series, #6)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230036548
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Dannika Dark
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The latest Black Arrowhead installment is a riveting tale from start to finish!
Joy Lockwood has spent decades supporting herself as an entertainer. Now she and Salem enjoy a peaceful life with their new family. Though it hasn't been an easy transition, she's about to discover just how hard she's willing to fight for her spot in the pack.
Atticus lives a solitary life, as all Vampires do. He owns a profitable club, a secluded home, and wants for nothing. But for many months, he has been infatuated by the forbidden fruit of a mated woman. When outsiders target the Arrowhead pack, Atticus forms an alliance with them only to discover that things aren't what they seem.
Three lives intersect in a fight for survival, but will they survive their own demons?
Love takes courage.
A Shifter grappling with an uncertain future finds solace in the arms of a Vampire, but the only way to confront her feelings is to face her past. An emotional tale about forbidden love, emotional scars, and finding the courage to heal.


Dannika Dark is a nine-time USA Today Bestselling author, APA Audie Awards Finalist, and Earphones Award winner who has sold millions worldwide. Her pulse-pounding urban fantasies and paranormal romances have thrilled readers for more than a decade.
With more than 30 books under her belt, Dannika obsessively crafts her stories with unique worldbuilding, unforgettable characters, heartwarming relationships, and twists that will keep you reading through the night. When she's not glued to work, Dannika likes gardening, binge-watching TV shows, reading, and indie music. Find out why others have reread her books three, five, or a dozen times. Dannika takes being the Queen of Book Hangovers very seriously.
The addiction is real.

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