Darren Francis


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386016764
EAN 9781386016762
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Darren Francis
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Short fiction by Darren Francis
Despite Straight Lines: Self-harm for fun and profit.
Circulating: Two men. A crop field. Night. Join the dots.
Red Room: Where do you go, when the aliens are the better of your captors?
The Golden Boy That Flew To Never: I was born to epiphanise. Soared heaven blue and drank deep of life. Alcoholism was never meant to be an option.
Binary: My girlfriend is German, my parents extraterrestrial. Road-trip. Art Bell on the radio.
Disappear Here: Men don't get anorexia.
Citizen: Five cats. A knife. A job. A psychopathic father. Walls papered with dollar bills. A corpse on my floor. I love life.
God Thing: There is no war on terror.
"UK poet and musician Darren Francis' poems explode with thoughts interrupted, images colliding, experience rendered into microns, reflections and wily juxtapositions, all processed through a diction unwilling to sit still and explain itself." - Across The Margin
"Tight visual prose" - Vox magazine
"Francis does this very well - putting one on edge. He doesn't pull any punches and, in fact, pushes you further than you thought you could be pushed... and all the while it's oddly comforting. [His] writing style is endearing in its honesty. In its use of the little things we do to magnify the big things we pretend we don't. He uses hard-hitting realism and strings of details then all of a sudden hits you with a brilliant abstract connection to tease it all out. Makes you uncomfortable the way he does this. But you like it. You read on." - Gail Gray, Fissure Magazine
"Fascinating, vaguely repulsive [writing]..." - On magazine

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