Dave Eggers

The Every

The electrifying follow up to Sunday Times bestseller The Circle. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241535506
EAN 9780241535509
Veröffentlicht November 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Hamish Hamilton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The electrifying follow-up to Dave Eggers' New York Times Bestseller The Circle
'Gulpable fictive entertainment . . . Eggers is a wonderful storyteller with an alert and defiant vision' Observer
When the world's largest search engine / social media company merges with the planet's dominant e-commerce site, it creates the richest and most dangerous-and, oddly enough, most beloved-monopoly ever known: The Every.
Delaney Wells is an unlikely new hire. A former forest ranger and unwavering tech skeptic, she charms her way into an entry-level job with one goal in mind: to take down the company from within. With her compatriot, the not-at-all-ambitious Wes Kavakian, they look for the company's weaknesses, hoping to free humanity from all-encompassing surveillance and the emoji-driven infantilization of the species. But does anyone want what Delaney is fighting to save? Does humanity truly want to be free?
Studded with unforgettable characters and lacerating set-pieces, The Every blends satire and terror, while keeping the reader in breathless suspense about the fate of the company - and the human animal.
'More playful and satirical than Orwell . . . it scores as a series of brilliant set pieces and a devastating overall critique.' Sunday Times
'Part of the genius of this remarkable piece of satire, riven as it is with horribly plausible ideas and horribly good jokes. . . . What Eggers does so well is make The Every alluring as well as alarming...' The Times
'You read it and think: yes, this is set in the future but it is actually going on here and now. It is an urgent and necessary book. It's also fun. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar' The Scotsman
The Circle was a New York Times bestseller in 2013


Dave Eggers is the author of many acclaimed books, including The Circle; What is the What and Zeitoun.
He is the founder of the publishing house and magazine McSweeney's and the cofounder of 826 Valencia, a youth writing center that has inspired similar programs around the world.
His work has been translated into forty-two languages.

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