From A to B - Dave Walker

Dave Walker

From A to B

A Cartoon Guide to Getting Around by Bike. 1. Auflage. Cartoons throughout. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 35.
pdf eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1472976142
EAN 9781472976147
Veröffentlicht Juli 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Sport

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'Pure joy. Happy, generous, funny, kind, wise and full of fresh air. An absolutely wonderful book.' - Jeremy Vine
'Engaging, entertaining and enlightening' - Chris Boardman
'A glorious celebration of the wonder and absurdity of cycling' - Ned Boulting
'Hilarious' - Cycling Weekly

More joyful cycling cartoons from the renowned Cycling Cartoonist.
Inside you'll find over 100 full-page cartoons that cast an affectionate eye over the delights and challenges of cycling: from everyday commuting to cycling adventures, and everything in between.
This cartoon manifesto for pedal-powered transport is a mixture of comedic insights and actually useful information, for everyone from beginners to seasoned cycling campaigners. These are funny, thoughtful and powerful cartoons from best-selling cartoonist Dave Walker, celebrating the simple pleasure of getting from A to B on two wheels.
Topics addressed include:
- Motivational sentiments for riding up hills
- Ways to keep your saddle dry in the rain
- Things you could carry on a cargo bike
- A traffic report for the National Cycle Network


Dave Walker is a cartoonist. He has had cycling cartoons published by Cycling Weekly, CTC and others. Dave has had a weekly cartoon in Church Times since 2005.


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