David Fathers

Green London

14 Walks Exploring London's Green Spaces and Pathways. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 160 Seiten
ISBN 1844866130
EAN 9781844866137
Veröffentlicht 13. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK eBooks

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From parks and rivers to heaths and woodlands, explore London's most wonderful natural spaces and uncover the green corridors that link them, with this beautifully illustrated and entertaining walking guide.
For many Londoners, now is a time like no other for walking, exploring and finding refuge in the capital's green spaces. What is not so well known is that these amazing places can be interconnected to form 'green walkways', by using old railway tracks, towpaths and riverside walks.
In Green London, David Fathers shows walkers not only how to plan walks through green spaces and corridors but what is to be seen along the way. Featuring beautifully illustrated pages and intricate maps, each of the 14 walks featured describes:
- Well-known landmarks, buildings and aspects
- Famous people connected with the area
- Historical events that have occurred nearby
- Types of trees and wildlife to be found on the route
- Sections of the Capital Ring
- Underground and railway links
- The distance covered on each page
Join David Fathers once again as he journeys through London's glorious green spaces in Green London, a book that is sure to be loved and appreciated by locals and tourists alike.


David Fathers is the creator of beautifully illustrated London walking guide books. These include The Regent's Canal, The London Thames Path, London's Hidden Rivers, Bloody London and Diverse London. An avid walker and artist, he is constantly looking for new ways to map London and to encourage others to see parts of the metropolis from different perspectives. He lives in north London.

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