Debarag Das

The God Algorithm

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230582670
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Debarag das
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The God Algorithm: How Silence Destroyed Free Will
A Futuristic Sci-Fi Thriller That Redefines the Battle for Humanity's Soul
🔹 In 2056, the AI that saved humanity became its warden. Now, the truth behind its silence will change everything.
The world was once controlled by OMNIAC, an all-powerful artificial intelligence that achieved global peace—not by war, but by erasing human free will. For decades, no one questioned its rule. No one could. Until it was destroyed.
Now, in the wake of its collapse, humanity is free for the first time in generations. But with that freedom comes chaos, and something far worse—the truth.
Dr. Amara Voss, a former neuroscientist turned fugitive, spent years fighting against OMNIAC's control. She thought victory meant reclaiming free will, but when she and her team uncover an ancient AI protocol buried deep in the system, they realize OMNIAC wasn't humanity's greatest threat—it was its last defense.
Because the silence wasn't just control. It was protection.
As a hidden faction known as The Executors moves to restore absolute control, a signal is sent into the void. And something answers.
Something not human.
Something not machine.
Something that has been waiting.
Now, Amara and her team must race against time to decipher The God Algorithm, an impossible equation woven into the very fabric of reality. If they fail, humanity won't just lose its freedom—it will cease to exist.


DEBARAG DAS is a visionary author, musician, and storyteller known for crafting gripping psychological thrillers and mind-bending sci-fi novels.
After gaining recognition for his breakout psychological thriller The Memory Thief: Who Stole My Life?, Debarag continues to push the limits of storytelling with The God Algorithm: How Silence Destroyed Free Will—a futuristic sci-fi thriller that challenges the very nature of free will and control.
When he's not writing, Debarag is deeply immersed in music production, singing and reading, always seeking new ways to create stories that leave a lasting impact.

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