Debbie Bernstein

Lose Weight & Be Happy

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 139358439X
EAN 9781393584391
Veröffentlicht November 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Debbie Bernstein
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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If you are a woman in middle age and want to lose weight in a proficient manner while also taking care of your children and pursuing a career, then you are in the right place. Weight loss is considered an extremely tough activity to carry out. It not only takes a lot of patience and consistency, but also requires you to closely follow your daily activity.
In this book, Debbie Bernstein gathered various little tips and tricks to help you tackle these issues and make yourself an excellent weight losing machine while successfully managing your busy schedule. The main purpose of this book is to empower you as a working mother towards the ultimate goal of losing weight.
In this book, you'll learn about:The ultimate weight loss walkthroughBinge eating and why we do itThe issues with caloriesTriggering factorsStaying happy during the weight loss processWeight loss and dieting and how they interlinkThe importance of exerciseGetting organized with a busy lifestyleMaintaining your progressPlanning out the complete journeyAnd much more!
If you are a woman in middle age and want to lose weight in a proficient manner while also taking care of your children and pursuing a career, then you are in the right place. Weight loss is considered an extremely tough activity to carry out. It not only takes a lot of patience and consistency, but also requires you to closely follow your daily activity.
In this book, we have gathered various little tips and tricks to help you tackle these issues and make yourself an excellent weight losing machine while successfully managing your busy schedule. The main purpose of this book is to empower you as a working mother towards the ultimate goal of losing weight.
In this book, you'll learn about:The ultimate weight loss walkthroughBinge eating and why we do itThe issues with caloriesTriggering factorsStaying happy during the weight loss processWeight loss and dieting and how they interlinkThe importance of exerciseGetting organized with a busy lifestyleMaintaining your progressPlanning out the complete journeyAnd much more!

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