Debbie Viggiano

The Man You Meet in Heaven

An absolutely feel good romantic comedy. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1786815850
EAN 9781786815859
Veröffentlicht September 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Bookouture
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'One of the funniest, most down-to-earth books I have ever read… I devoured it.' Leah Reads Books
When Hattie Green pops to the shop one afternoon, she never expects her life to flash before her eyes between the tins of baked beans and a special offer on sliced white. One minute she's loading her trolley and thinking about what to give her son for dinner, and the next she's speaking to a gorgeous man in a glowing white suit about what her life could have been…
If you had the chance to go back and relive it all, what would you do differently? Go on that date, take that promotion… eat that second biscuit? Hattie is about to discover where she went wrong, but will her mystery second chance reveal some STONKING secrets in her past that probably should have stayed hidden?
A gorgeous romantic comedy with a few twists that will make you say OMG! Perfect for fans of Tracy Bloom, Marian Keyes and Dawn French.
Readers love The Man You Meet in Heaven!
'I loved this book! This was a wonderful, funny, romantic and emotional read! It has a heart-warming thread running through it which teaches how you to forgive… Highly recommended! Fabulous!!!' Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars
'Wow… this book was a rollercoaster in a really good way… so engaging that I really felt like I was doing a self-discovery journey with Hattie… really crawled under my skin and made me think beyond the words written… I loved the characters, they were real to me.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars
'Well I simply loved this… I loved the way the author told Hattie's story and there were a few surprises in there too! Thank you to Debbie Viggiano for bringing these characters to life and making me laugh so hard.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars
'Whilst this is mainly a romantic and humorous read, there are also some very tender and moving parts… a fabulously emotive and fun filled read. It whisked me away from the real world whilst I was totally absorbed in Hattie's. I actually got quite tearful as I neared the end.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars
'Threw me for a loop time and time again - but in the best possible way… I flew through the story.' Goodreads reviewer
'Oh my... as the saying goes: every dark cloud has a silver lining, will Hattie be on her way to her happily ever after? What more can I say? I just loved it!' B for Book Review, 5 stars
'A light read with a deep message, both humorous and touching, definitely recommend…


Debbie Viggiano

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