Deborah J. Benoit, Olivia Blacke, Michelle Chouinard, Julia Dahl, P. J. Nelson

The Minotaur Sampler, Volume 12

New Books to Make Your Heart Race. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 180 Seiten
ISBN 1250369908
EAN 9781250369901
Veröffentlicht Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Minotaur Books
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Looking for a new book that will make your heart race? The twelfth edition of The Minotaur Sampler compiles the beginnings of six can't-miss novels-either standalone or first in series-publishing Fall 2024 for free for easy sampling.
Standalone: In acclaimed author Julia Dahl's I Dreamed of Falling, the death of a young mother triggers an avalanche of secrets in a small Hudson Valley town.
First in Series: In Michelle Chouinard's clever mystery The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco, the granddaughter of a serial killer shows readers another side of the beloved city.
First in Series: Olivia Blacke's A New Lease on Death is a darkly funny supernatural mystery about an unlikely crime-solving duo that launches a commercial, unique, and genre-blending series, death is only the beginning.
First in Series: In Deborah J. Benoit's Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America First Crime Novel Award-winning debut, The Gardener's Plot, a woman helps set up a community garden in the Berkshires, only to find a body in one of the plot's on opening day.
Standalone: A gripping new novel inspired by a real place and events from the author's family, Trouble Island is the standalone suspense debut from historical mystery writer Sharon Short.
First in Series: P. J. Nelson's Booked for Murder is an atmospheric southern cozy debut, where Madeline Brimley returns to the bookstore she inherited, discovering that small towns hold deadly secrets.


Deborah J. Benoit, Olivia Blacke, Michelle Chouinard, Julia Dahl, P. J. Nelson, and Sharon Short

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