Dermot Whelan

Busy and Wrecked

Create space and energy for the people and things that really matter. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 300 Seiten
ISBN 1804582263
EAN 9781804582268
Veröffentlicht 3. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Gill Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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If 'busy and wrecked' is your common response to 'how are you?', you're not alone. Modern life, with all its demands and distractions, is set up to keep us on the hamster wheel and many of us are paying the price. Brain fog, tiredness, overwhelm ... we're all busy and wrecked!
Now Dermot Whelan, the bestselling author of Mind Full, is here to take you on a unique, insightful and hilarious exploration of busyness and introduce you to his favourite tips, tools and techniques for creating space and calm in a hectic world.
Because there is another way. A way home to yourself, where your time and energy are yours to spend on whom and what you choose - not just on everyone and everything making demands on them. It's time to reclaim your calm, regain your lightness and say hello to real, lasting peace of mind.
This book will show you how.
'Guaranteed to help you stress less while actually enjoying the process. Dermot makes finding calm easy and fun.' Paul O'Connell


Dermot Whelan is a TV and radio broadcaster, comedian, bestselling author and mindfulness expert. A certified Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher, he works with companies around the world on managing stress. His first book, Mind Full, was a phenomenal No. 1 bestseller and, after over 20 years as an award-winning national radio presenter, he now hosts his popular and enlightening Mind Full podcast.

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