Deryck Whibley

Walking Disaster

My Life Through Heaven and Hell. 16-64 photos. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1668045036
EAN 9781668045039
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Gallery Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This candid memoir of music, fame, and endurance from Deryck Whibley, lead singer of Sum 41, follows his rise from a punk kid to an international star. From his earliest days growing up in Canada, Deryck Whibley was a punk who loved music and couldn't wait to achieve something bigger and better than the humble path that lay before him. Whibley was raised by a single mom and their small family constantly moved from place to place, so he was used to being the new kid, starting fights (or finishing them), and connecting with people who shared his sensibility for chaotic fun and loud music. Sum 41 was born of a group of friends who loved to jam, shared a DIY ethos, and were determined to be rock stars one day. Walking Disaster is Whibley's story, but it is also the untold story of Sum 41. Whibley takes you backstage, into the recording booth, and through the highest highs and lowest lows of the band whose story is inextricably woven with his own. With his insightful, earnest, and genuine voice, Whibley gets real about fame, fortune, and the music industry. Detailing everything from winning at the MTV Video Music Awards and being nominated for a Grammy to revisiting his high-profile relationships and friendships, contending with invasive paparazzi, and suffer­ing from health issues that brought him to the brink, Whibley offers a forthright and unforget­table memoir.


Deryck Whibley

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