Di Nessuno, Aurora Mizutani, Dupelola Osaretin Ajala, Dupelola Ajala

Truth Teller Trilogy: Book Three

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227496317
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Ajala Legacy Forum
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
19,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The third volume of "TRUTH TELLER: The Book of Hidden Knowledge" stands out as the most captivating entry in the series.
It challenges the misconceptions surrounding family dynamics and the limitations of education.
We will delve into the roots of organized entertainment, uncover the real meaning behind the concept of a "magical wand," and expose main stream media, revealing the tactics used to captivate and manipulate the public.
Explore the implications of the Industrial Revolution alongside the enchanting traits and magical abilities associated with legendary Dragons.
Don't miss the gripping true story of the ancient and foreboding "Covenant Wars," which reveal the mystical battle between mysterious and sinister sorcerers.
This enthralling saga of the Mages, rooted in the depths of ancient Egypt, is steeped in dark intrigue that is simply compelling.
Book Three delves into the secrets of generational wealth, exploring its ties to oligarchic rule and revealing the influence of inverted communities within these powerful networks.
In this third manuscript we will reveal the secrets of casting spells and the art of crafting powerful enchantments.
Above all, we shall answer the timeless question concerning the purpose of existence and life itself.
In this powerful third installment, we unveil the hidden truths and tactics employed to enchant and dominate the masses.

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