Diane Williams

The Collected Stories of Diane Williams

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 784 Seiten
ISBN 1616959835
EAN 9781616959838
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Soho Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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With over three hundred new and previously published short stories as well as three novellas, The Collected Stories of Diane Williams brings together distilled works of "unsettling brilliance" (Vanity Fair) that have rewritten the rules of American short fiction.
From Ben Marcus' introduction to The Collected Stories of Diane Williams:
"Diane Williams has spent her long, prolific career concocting fictions of perfect strangeness, most of them no more than a page long. She's a hero of the form: the sudden fiction, the flash fiction, whatever it's being called these days. The stories are short. They defy logic. They thumb their nose at conventional sense, or even unconventional sense. But if sense is in short supply in these texts, that leaves more room for splendor and sorrow. These stories upend expectations and prize enigma and the uncanny above all else. The Williams epiphany should be patented, or bottled-on the other hand, it should also be regulated and maybe rationed, because it's severe. It's a rare feeling her stories trigger, but it's a keen and deep and welcome one, the sort of feeling that wakes us up to complication and beauty and dissonance and fragility."


Diane Williams is the founder and editor of the distinguished literary annual, NOON, the archive of which, as well as Williams' personal literary archive, was acquired in 2014 by the Lilly Library. She is the author of nine previous volumes of short fiction and the recipient of four Pushcart Prizes. She lives in New York City.

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