Dolly Alderton


From the bestselling author of Everything I Know About Love and Good Material. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241988691
EAN 9780241988695
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin

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'Utter BRILLIANCE . . . I absolutely LOVED it!' Marian Keyes, bestselling author of GROWN UPS
'I loved it' Candice Carty-Williams, bestselling author of QUEENIE
Everything gets easier in your thirties, right?
Though she has plenty to celebrate - successful career, new home, loving friends and family - for Nina Dean, her thirties have not exactly been the liberating experience she was sold. From fading friendships to exes popping the question, everyone is moving on (or worse, to the suburbs). And as her dad slowly loses his memories, her mum seems dead set on making new ones.
Then she meets Max, who tells her on date one that he's going to marry her. But what seems like an exciting new development will ensure this year is Nina's strangest yet . . .
'A book so relatable you'll give yourself neck ache nodding in recognition' Grazia
'Funny, sharply observed, poignant' Matt Haig, bestselling author of THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY
'Alderton masterfully exposes the hideous reality of dating in your 30s . . . I adored it' Daily Mail
'Like having one of those glorious girls night in, where you drink till the early hours - laughing, venting, and feeling warm and seen' Holly Bourne, author of HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?
'Dolly sums up life in your thirties with such wit, warmth and accuracy' Heat
'Dolly is such a fantastic writer' Jill Mansell, author of AND NOW YOU'RE BACK
'The perfect no-holds-barred modern day rom-com' Stylist


Dolly Alderton is an award-winning author, screenwriter and journalist based in London. She is a columnist for the Sunday Times Style magazine and has also written for GQ, Red, Marie Claire and Grazia. She is the former co-host and co-creator of the podcast The High Low. Her first book, Everything I Know About Love, became a top-five Sunday Times bestseller in its first week of publication, won a National Book Award (UK) for Autobiography of the Year and was made into a BBC One TV series. Ghosts, her first novel, was an instant Sunday Times bestseller. Dear Dolly, a collection of her agony aunt columns from the Sunday Times Style magazine, was published in 2022 and was also a Sunday Times bestseller.

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